Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Celestia to combine with Polygon CDK for knowledge availability in 2024

by Jeremy

The Celestia community will combine with Polygon’s chain improvement equipment (CDK) someday “early subsequent 12 months,” in response to a Dec. 11 announcement. The mixing will present an “easily-pluggable part” for Polygon-based networks to make use of Celestia for knowledge availability.

Celestia block explorer “Celenium.” Supply: Celenium

The announcement claimed that transaction charges might be decreased by greater than 100 instances if networks saved compressed transaction knowledge on Celestia as a substitute of Ethereum. The mixing coming in early 2024 will simplify this alternative, offering this selection throughout the Polygon CDK software program itself.

“That is the broadband second for Web3,” stated Polygon co-founder Sandeep Nailwal. “The flexibility to launch a high-throughput ZK-powered Ethereum layer 2 as simply as deploying a sensible contract will do for blockchain adoption what high-speed fiber did for Web2 purposes.”

Polygon CDK software program permits builders to create new blockchain networks which might be a part of a broader Polygon ecosystem. It’s at the moment being utilized by OKX, Astar, Canto, Gnosis Pay, Palm and IDEX, in response to the announcement.

Associated: Polygon 2.0: 2024 to see unified ZK-powered L2 chains

Some Polygon-based networks, together with Polygon zero-knowledge Ethereum Digital Machine, are “rollups” that retailer transaction knowledge instantly on the Ethereum community. Others are “validiums” that solely retailer validation proofs on Ethereum whereas leaving the precise compressed transaction knowledge on a separate community. Apart from Celestia, Avail is one other community that can retailer transaction knowledge for validiums.